Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Blessings & A Joyous 2013!!

Here's wishing you the most Glorious Christmas Blessings,
And may all your Christmas wishes come true.

May you have a Joyous and Prosperous 2013,
Filled with Love, Peace, and Interesting Adventures!

"Somehow, not only for Christmas but all the long year through,
The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.
And the more you spend in blessing
The poor and lonely and sad,
The more of your heart's possessing
Returns to you glad."  -- John Greenleaf Whittier, American Writer

"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." -- W. T. Ellis

Thank you for your business,
Thank you for your referrals, and
Thank you for the opportunity to service you!

Lin Engie
Cash Flow & Delinquency Management Specialist
Transworld Systems On The Gulf Coast


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with our family and friends tomorrow and the rest of the weekend, I want to thank you all for your friendship, your business, your referrals, and the opportunity to be of service to you.  And to my family members who cannot be here to share this special event with us, I thank you for your love and caring throughout the year, and look forward to meeting up soon!

We have many blessings to be thankful for - good health, loving family, caring friends, lots of opportunities to grow professionally and personally, lots of opportunities  to give back to the community, improving economy, and the most beautiful white sand beaches anywhere in the world!

I wish you and yours a Blessed Thanksgiving, and may you enjoy a bountiful year of good health, successes in all your endeavors, and interesting travels!

Here are some of my favorite 'Gratitude' and Charlie Brown classic Thanksgiving videos you may enjoy.... (the Power of Gratitude) (Gratitude and Thanksgiving Quotes for Success) (The Amazing Joy & Power of Gratitude) (Charlie Brown)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lin Engie
Cash Flow & Delinquency Management Specialist
Transworld Systems on the Gulf Coast

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Celebrate Our Freedom...Happy 4th of July!

Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
Moshe Dayan

Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all!                                                 By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.
John Dickinson

Dear valued clients and friends,
As we get ready to commemorate and celebrate our nation's Independence tomorrow, I cannot help but think how blessed we are to be living in the United States, to have the freedom, the safety, and protection of rights that so many in the rest of the world are still fighting for.  We all know, though, that these values and privileges we enjoy, and sometimes take for granted, did not come without passion, planning, thoughts, debates, and lots of sacrifice.  The United States has been our family's chosen 'home' since 1980, and we are always very thankful for the opportunities to live peacefully, to earn a decent and meaningful living, and to contribute.

I want to talk a little about another form of protection.  Transworld Systems, one of the nation's largest Cash Flow and Delinquency Management companies,  takes pride in complying with all Federal, State, and local regulations.  Collections is a highly regulated industry, but unfortunately, we often read about news in trade journals about our competitors cutting corners and sued for violating collections laws, which sometimes result in their customers being sued as well.

Here's where Transworld Systems stands above our competitors:
· We follow the guidelines set forth by the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act)
· We are compliant with the TCPA - Telephone Consumer Protection Act.  One of the laws of the TCPA does not permit cell phones to be dialed by auto-dialers(computers).  Therefore, if the primary phone # you provide us for a debtor is a cell phone, we will manually dial that call and deliver a live message during Accelerator and/or Messenger service, which are normally automated calls when a landline is provided.
· We are compliant with HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
· We are compliant with individual state laws in all 50 states - some of which require separate state licenses or even brick and mortar offices in those states.
· We perform background checks on all collectors.
· Our collectors take compliance tests every 6 months.
· We have "mystery shoppers" at a law firm to randomly test and provoke collectors to make sure they adhere to all laws during phone calls.
· All of our clients' and debtors' information is stored using the highest levels of security.
· We provide our clients with a written "Hold Harmless" agreement in our contracts, i.e., our clients can never be sued for any action we take on their behalf.

Just as our nation, Transworld Systems cannot remain 'best of breed' without constantly tweaking, improving and innovating over the past 41 years in business.  I am proud to be associated with a company that has strong financial backing from NCO, our corporate parent, an ethical and professional company that places client needs, appreciation and support above all else.  At the end, isn't it great to have a company with the highest recovery rate in the industry working hard for you, so you can recover more, save more, and keep more!

So, celebrate your freedom, and enjoy a Happy and Safe 4th of July, with the beautiful music of Ray Charles!

Lin Engie
Cash Flow & Delinquency Management Specialist
Transworld Systems, Inc.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Turkish Delights

Recently, I went on a fascinating trip to Turkey and thoroughly enjoyed the rich history and the beautiful, varied landscapes. We (my husband, Kean, and friends from California) joined a tour that took us to Istanbul, Ankara, Cappadoccia, down to the Mediterranean Sea, and then back west to the Aegean Sea, and up to Istanbul again. Prior to the trip, I was not aware that we would be travelling through mountain ranges that were still covered in snow, and within the next day, we would be travelling through desert-like landscapes. I was obviously quite ignorant about the country and all it has to offer.  If you love fruits and nuts (and Turkish Delights), Turkey is the place to be.  I had my fill of dried apricots, figs, pomegranates, olives, chickpeas, walnuts, pistachios, and fresh almonds.  Breakfast buffets were fabulous with fresh yogurt, molasses, honey, and tahini.

Turks are hardworking and industrious people. One interesting thing we learned from our Tour Guide was that farms in Turkey are operated almost as co-ops.  Individually-owned family farms are clustered together, with central villages where the farm families in that area reside together.  Farmers in each area share large equipment to save costs, and help one another throughout the growing and harvesting seasons.  The Turkish government fixes pricing, and handles the sale of farm produce, so farmers can focus on cultivating and harvesting the best produce. As long as they have a harvest, they are guaranteed a sale of their produce at a fixed price to the government. The government then sells the produce on the market to factories or exports them.

Seems like an elegant and efficient way to handle farm operations; farmers can focus on what they do best, without any worry on the business side of operating the farm.  Streamlining this farming process allows Turkey to be one of the world leaders in the production of agriculture.  According to Wikipedia, as of March 2007, Turkey is the world's largest producer of hazelnut, cherry, fig, apricot, quince and pomegranate; the second largest producer of watermelon, cucumber and chickpea; the third largest producer of tomato, eggplant, green pepper, lentil (they make the most delicious lentil soups) and pistachio; and the fourth largest producer of onion and olive.  Other major products are tea, apple, cotton, and almonds.  Turkey has been self-sufficient in food production since the 1980s. Did you know that Turkey is a major exporter of textiles, automotive, steel, iron, and pharmaceuticals?  How about Turkey being a major shipbuilding country?

Many studies show that you can be more productive by focusing on your core skills, and outsource the secondary tasks to other experts.  If you operate a business and you extend credit to your clients, or if you are a medical doctor or dentist, it is often more cost-effective to outsource some of your back office operations to specialized companies who can do them more efficiently, more effectively, and at a lower cost. One such function is managing cash flow and delinquent accounts.  Are you and your staff stressed about following up with slow-paying and non-paying clients or patients?  Do you know that there is an alternative to a high percentage collection agency - one that offers a diplomatic approach, so you can retain your client or patient relationship?

Transworld Systems is a national cash flow and delinquency management company that has been helping businesses of all sizes effectively collect for over 41 years.  Our innovative in-house tools allow you to professionally and diplomatically collect without alienating your clients or patients.  You maintain control and keep 100% of what is collected. If you are tired of clients or patients ignoring your monthly statements, let's chat and see if you qualify for our services. Give me a call @ 850.266.7791, send me an e-mail, or message me on Facebook:

Where have you traveled to recently?  What exciting travel plans do you have this summer?  I would love to hear from you.

May you have a fabulous summer!

Lin Engie
Cash Flow and Delinquency Management Specialist
Transworld Systems on the Gulf Coast

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Festivals

'Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves.' - Sir James M. Barrie

I wish all of you can enjoy the beautiful sunshine we have in Pensacola this time of the year - warm sunny days, cool nights, with some occasional rains.  We are truly blessed with beautiful Spring weather here, and with a really mild winter this year, we are enjoying an exceptionally long Spring season.

Spring, of course, is a time of rebirth, and renewal, and is celebrated around the world with joyful and colorful festivals. Hindus in south Asia herald in Spring with the Festival of Colors, Holi. They celebrate by throwing colored powder at one another, and with bonfires, bidding farewell to dreary Winter, and welcoming the abundant and vibrant colors of Spring.  In Thailand, the Songkran or Water Festival is a 3-day celebration of the Thai New Year.  The ritual symbolizes the cleansing of the body, spirit and mind.  No one escapes being drenched (or 'cleansed') during these 3 days of celebration! The Japanese, always associated with delicacy and beauty, celebrate hanami - cherry blossom viewing - by having picnics under cherry blossom trees in parks, usually between March and May. And of course, the most important Spring event for Christians is Easter, the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

How do you celebrate Spring?  I invite you to share in the comment box below.

Spring brings a new cycle of life and hope, and it is also the perfect time to reflect, review, and renew goals. Do you have recent successes to celebrate?  I hope you do.  Are there areas in your life or business that needs sprucing up? What can you do to add some 'color' and enthusiasm? Are you on track with your personal, health, or financial goals? If not, why not?

As a business Cash Flow coach for businesses, I can offer some suggestions on one aspect of your business financial health - your cash flow.  This is an article on Ways to Maximize Cash Flow that I contributed to the March/April 2012 issue of The Bulletin, published by the Escambia Medical Society.  The principles can be applied to any business.  Enjoy!

It's never too late to plan for your own successes.  Since Spring brings new energy and warmth to the whole environment, I hope it energizes you to re-visit areas of your business or career that stayed dormant, like the Winter that just passed. Go out, re-connect, and network with friends, colleagues, and mentors.  Catch the excitement that Spring brings, and celebrate the season!

Lin Engie
Delinquency Management Specialist
What Our Clients Say About Us

Saturday, March 17, 2012

May the Luck of the Irish be Yours Today!

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing

While we celebrate and associate St. Patrick's Day with parades, pub crawls, green beer, shamrock, and donning everything green, I thought it might be interesting to note that most of these traditions were invented in the United States by Irish-Americans, according to this article in the National Geographic Daily News, St. Patrick's Day 2012: Facts, Myths, and Traditions. In Ireland, March 17th was a minor religious holiday to commemorate its patron saint's birthday. St. Patrick devoted the latter part of his life converting Irish native pagans to Christianity.  However, it is now celebrated in full force with parades, lots of beer drinking, and revelry in Ireland, and really, everywhere around the world.  How are you celebrating St. Patrick's Day?  I would love to hear about your family traditions.

Now, if you are running a business, don't just rely on this one day of Irish luck to grow your cash flow.  Follow these few easy tips to ensure that your cash keeps flowing into your own Pot of Gold:

  1. Have a written credit policy
  2. Make sure your staff and clients/patients are aware of this policy
  3. Train your staff to consistently enforce your established credit policy - be polite but firm
  4. It's often better to negotiate and agree on a payment plan instead of agreeing to delay payments past 30 days.
  5. Intervene early and frequently with professional billing reminders (every 10 to 14 days)
  6. When your internal efforts are no longer effective, outsource it to a professional and reputable collection service.  Consider a low fixed fee service that allows you to keep 100% of your collected revenue, such as Transworld Systems.  If you have a need, I can help.
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live. - Irish saying

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is dedicated to all the people (family, friends, clients, colleagues, classmates, etc.) we love. So, to all you,  Happy Valentine's Day! Many of you may be giving and receiving heart-shaped chocolates (hopefully the dark kind), along with flowers, etc. Do you know that there are approximately 38 million heart-shaped chocolate boxes sold each year for Valentine's Day? That's a lot of chocolates - 58 million pounds, to be exact.

February is not just for chocolate hearts.  It's American Heart Month.  According to the CDC, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. - 2,200 deaths per day due to heart disease and stroke. I hope you will take this to heart - enjoy your family, your work, eat a balanced, healthy diet, and do some exercise everyday (walking and stretching around your office counts).  I was just at a health seminar on maintaining a healthy heart, and guess what?  The cardiologists there confirmed that dark chocolates are actually good for you and your heart - of course, in moderation. So, enjoy the chocolates from your special Valentine, and add some red wine and fresh fruits for a healthy, romantic evening!

A little stress is supposedly good at getting your heart  pumping and keeping you on your toes, but undue stress is definitely detrimental to your heart health.  Look at what you can delegate and outsource, so you can fully focus on what you do best and enjoy, and bring you the most value. If you have challenges with open accounts and collecting from your clients or patients, and the processes you are using now are not getting you the results you want, then consider outsourcing this unpleasant, but very vital, function to a professional and reputable collection service. It can do wonders to your cash flow and your heart health!

Transworld Systems, the nations's largest Cash Flow and Delinquency Management company, provides a suite of innovative cash flow tools to help clients recover four times the national average of a standard percentage collection service.  We have been doing this successfully since 1970.  Over the past decade, we've resolved $6 Billion for over 200,000 clients nationwide.  Just like maintaining heart health, intervene early, and your chances of recovery will be much more successful. If you are interested in learning how I can help you improve your cash flow quickly, without alienating your clients, and still get to keep 100% of what we collect for you, contact me here:
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Year of the Water Dragon

This is an extra auspicious month for me.  We just celebrated the New Year, 2012, which, according to trends and forecasts, will be a much better year than 2011 for most of us.  In a couple of days, I celebrate the Chinese or Lunar New Year, on January 23rd.  

This lunar new year will be the Year of the Water Dragon. According to the Chinese Horoscope, this year is going to be a transformational and life-changing year. Generally, there are more positives in store for us in the year 2012 than 2011. It’s a good year to improve oneself, take calculated investment risks and to build wealth. The year 2012 holds much promise and may be a major transition in your life. Whether it turns out extremely good, or really bad, will depend on how you ride the mighty Water Dragon!

If you are not familiar with lunar new years, it may interest you to know that there are twelve zodiac animals which rotate with each new year - rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.  You can match your birth date and year to one of these twelve animal signs, and, if you wish, find how to take advantage of the opportunities the Water Dragon year brings to your particular sign.  Won't that be fun to know?  Here are some interesting links to help you:

In the Chinese tradition, I wish you all 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' (a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!).  May your cash flow comes in leaps and bounds, like the Dragon!

Dragon : Abstract dragon symbolizing the year 2012 leap Stock Photo