Saturday, January 21, 2012

Year of the Water Dragon

This is an extra auspicious month for me.  We just celebrated the New Year, 2012, which, according to trends and forecasts, will be a much better year than 2011 for most of us.  In a couple of days, I celebrate the Chinese or Lunar New Year, on January 23rd.  

This lunar new year will be the Year of the Water Dragon. According to the Chinese Horoscope, this year is going to be a transformational and life-changing year. Generally, there are more positives in store for us in the year 2012 than 2011. It’s a good year to improve oneself, take calculated investment risks and to build wealth. The year 2012 holds much promise and may be a major transition in your life. Whether it turns out extremely good, or really bad, will depend on how you ride the mighty Water Dragon!

If you are not familiar with lunar new years, it may interest you to know that there are twelve zodiac animals which rotate with each new year - rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.  You can match your birth date and year to one of these twelve animal signs, and, if you wish, find how to take advantage of the opportunities the Water Dragon year brings to your particular sign.  Won't that be fun to know?  Here are some interesting links to help you:

In the Chinese tradition, I wish you all 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' (a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!).  May your cash flow comes in leaps and bounds, like the Dragon!

Dragon : Abstract dragon symbolizing the year 2012 leap Stock Photo