Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is dedicated to all the people (family, friends, clients, colleagues, classmates, etc.) we love. So, to all you,  Happy Valentine's Day! Many of you may be giving and receiving heart-shaped chocolates (hopefully the dark kind), along with flowers, etc. Do you know that there are approximately 38 million heart-shaped chocolate boxes sold each year for Valentine's Day? That's a lot of chocolates - 58 million pounds, to be exact.

February is not just for chocolate hearts.  It's American Heart Month.  According to the CDC, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. - 2,200 deaths per day due to heart disease and stroke. I hope you will take this to heart - enjoy your family, your work, eat a balanced, healthy diet, and do some exercise everyday (walking and stretching around your office counts).  I was just at a health seminar on maintaining a healthy heart, and guess what?  The cardiologists there confirmed that dark chocolates are actually good for you and your heart - of course, in moderation. So, enjoy the chocolates from your special Valentine, and add some red wine and fresh fruits for a healthy, romantic evening!

A little stress is supposedly good at getting your heart  pumping and keeping you on your toes, but undue stress is definitely detrimental to your heart health.  Look at what you can delegate and outsource, so you can fully focus on what you do best and enjoy, and bring you the most value. If you have challenges with open accounts and collecting from your clients or patients, and the processes you are using now are not getting you the results you want, then consider outsourcing this unpleasant, but very vital, function to a professional and reputable collection service. It can do wonders to your cash flow and your heart health!

Transworld Systems, the nations's largest Cash Flow and Delinquency Management company, provides a suite of innovative cash flow tools to help clients recover four times the national average of a standard percentage collection service.  We have been doing this successfully since 1970.  Over the past decade, we've resolved $6 Billion for over 200,000 clients nationwide.  Just like maintaining heart health, intervene early, and your chances of recovery will be much more successful. If you are interested in learning how I can help you improve your cash flow quickly, without alienating your clients, and still get to keep 100% of what we collect for you, contact me here:
Connect with me on : http://www.linkedin.com/in/linengie
Follow me on Twitter: @TSIPensacola
Like us on: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Transworld-Systems-on-the-Gulf-Coast/140633762656295